I started writing this blog from my parent/teacher/children’s author perspective, but I am now also in the process of writing a novel for grownups. I may have originally packaged my writing projects in a “pizza box” but I’m finding so many toppings to choose from that I need to expand! I’ve noticed that my musings often seem to end up relating to many of my Pizza Box Books posts so…

I have added this page to post excerpts or essays related to my novel. My novel’s current working title is Trace of A Girl. My choice of title says to me that childhood impressions are like layers and layers of strata, staying with us for life and pushing us to become geologists to understand ourselves.

In addition, I am always curious to see the places where folks like to read and write so I will also share some of my own workspace photos, both past and present, in the Workspace Gallery drop-down tab.

One of my very favorite writer’s resources. (And my favorite cat, Dyno.)